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Racist bridesmaid video takes TikTok by storm, leaves internet shocked

A TikTok video of a bridesmaid at her friend's wedding recently took the internet by storm.

TikTok user Tori, who goes by @browneyed_beautee, and the groom's sister, originally posted the video, but when it started getting traction, the user made their account private.

The video has made its way across all social media platforms, including Twitter, and has already gained over 8.9 million views and over 11.5 thousand comments.

The speech has left the internet horrified with secondhand embarrassment.

"I'm not gonna be racist guys," the TikTok speech that left many cringing

The video in question started with the speaker, who is apparently a good friend of the bride, getting geared up for a heartfelt speech dedicated to the bride and the groom. She started by introducing herself:

“Hi, I’m Shannon, I’ve known Tracy for...oh god...”

She needed to be reminded that she has known the bride for nine years. Shannon continued by explaining that she doesn't know the groom, Anthony, well, but the bride, Tracy, talks about him a lot. She continued with a fake eye-roll:

"She'd be like 'Oh, Anthony this, Anthony that,' and I'm like, 'I don't care."

She then went on to compliment the "cute couple", and asked the groom to "take care of my girl (bride)" otherwise she "knows where he lives." She then turned to the crowd and said:

"I'm not gonna be racist, guys, I'm just saying! You guys are outstepping the stereotype and I love it."

At this point, she turned into a comedic bit by snapping her fingers and jokingly saying, "I'm going to be racist" in a fake African-American accent. She ended the speech by adding:

"You guys, I swear, I love Black people. You guys. Are. The. Best. My own daughter’s great-aunt is like, the best woman. You guys are amazing, I love you. I love you guys. Bless you black people."

Twitterati react to bridesmaid's "cringe" speech

Needless to say, neitizens reacted to the TikTok video in question with some sarcastic and hilarious Tweets and comments about the trainwerck of a speech.

Some tweets started using hilarious memes to express their horror. One netizen referenced a meme of Thanos from Marvel movies, saying:

Despite the drama on social media, the user who posted the TikTok video said in the comments that the "wedding went great" despite the speech.

“Y’all the wedding still went on and it was a great time!”

She posted a TikTok video of another friend with a genuinely heartwarming and rendering speech. She even uploaded a te`xt message conversation of the bride's reaction to Shannon's speech. The bride was certainly not happy.

This is not the first time a video of a wedding speech has gone viral. In 2020, a Reddit user put up a post detailing why her mother was kicked out of her wedding reception after another horrible speech. The mother made some terrible jibes at the bride, including bringing up her medical issues.

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