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Nikki Bella Wants More TV Time, How Did Raw Do in Twitter Ratings Last Night?

 Nikki Bella Wants More Time

Nikki Bella posted the following on Twitter, after her match on WWE Main Event versus Paige.

Hopefully after 2night this means Divas can continue 2 get more time. Tough opponent 2night! I’ll b even more ready next time! #PaigeVsNIKKI

— Nikki & Brie (@BellaTwins) January 7, 2015

Raw Twitter Ratings

Monday night’s WWE RAW finished #3 among non-sporting events for the night in Nielsen’s new Twitter TV ratings. 

The two shows that beat them were The Bachelor and Celebrity Apprentice.

RAW had an audience of 1.234 million, which represents the number of Twitter accounts that commented on the show. This was down from last week’s 2.639 million. RAW had total impressions of 7.582 million, which represents the number of times the show was tweeted about. This was way down from last week’s 15.247 million.
