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Michael Shannon: Donald Trump is a black hole, a soulless, evil piece of sh-t


In the weeks following the election of Donald Trump, America needed a hero. We needed a foul-mouthed preacher to guide us to the light. We needed someone to be savage, to say what needed to be said. That person was Michael Shannon, who just so happened to have a handful of interviews scheduled for the days after the election. Shannon explained the Trump victory in a simple, striking way: “This country is filled with ignorant jackasses” and “moronic a—holes” need to have their own country. Shannon also said that any senior who voted for Trump needs to get in the urn. It was all pretty amazing. Well, Shannon has more to say, although this interview was conducted just days BEFORE the election. And he’s still hilariously savage. Michael spoke to New York Magazine for their Oscar-preview issue, and you can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

This is what he said the Saturday before the election: “I don’t know if these people are stupid or not, but it’s certainly a huge con! It’s just very strange that people derive hope from the personage of Donald Trump, because Donald Trump is devoid of hope. He’s a black hole. He is a soulless, evil piece of sh-t.”

He loves his jean jacket with MIDNIGHT SPECIAL stitched on the back: He’s been wearing it nonstop ever since he got it as a wrap-party gift two and a half years ago, in brazen disregard of the unspoken actor rule that it’s super-embarrassing to wear your own swag. “I’m still promoting it!” he declares. “I like this jacket so much, and I love that movie.”

Wearing a Hawaiian shirt to a cool TIFF party: “I find the tyranny of fashion surrounding the entertainment industry kind of silly. It’s not like you’re at a funeral. It’s a party!”

He hates iPhone culture: “The main thing I’ve noticed about the iPhones is that, inevitably, you’re having a conversation with somebody and then they say, ‘I gotta show you this picture!’ And then they’ve got so many pictures on their phone they can’t even find the picture they’re looking for!”

His rare forays into romantic or sexual scenes: “I’m making my way into porn! The ultimate goal! Just trying to prove myself.”

His chances for an Oscar: “Well, I’d better win a damn Oscar if you’re putting me in the Oscar issue! It’s about damn time, Jesus!” he says, though he’s not planning on campaigning for Nocturnal Animals, which is probably his best shot. He’d rather be like Mark Rylance last year; skip the handshaking, just be too good to ignore…. But if someone wants to throw him an award, sure, go for it. “I’m just always kind of bewildered by it, because I look back at my life and where I come from and the fact that I’ve gotten to this place, to be in this position and it just never ceases to amaze me.”

[From Vulture]

New York Magazine also makes a big deal about how, in real life, he’s a really big guy. He’s apparently 6’3” and he towers over most people. Combine that with his gorgeous, profane liberalism, and I really do have a deepening crush on him. I’ve always thought he was a great actor, of course, but now I feel a significant attraction for him. Also: I completely agree that Donald Trump is a soulless, evil piece of sh-t. But what really bugs me is that millions of people don’t see it. Is it stupidity, or something else?

This is Michael at the InStyle party at TIFF this year. Seriously!!!


Photos courtesy of WENN.
