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Krysten Goocher commits suicide after hard battle with postpartum depression; $10k to raise on GoFun

Dallas, Texas, is in mourning following the tragic loss of Krysten Goocher, a loving mother who lost her life to postpartum depression. Her passing serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles many face in silence, and the importance of supporting those affected by this debilitating condition.

Krysten Goocher’s family and friends are grappling with the profound grief of losing a beloved mother. She tragically succumbed to postpartum depression after battling this dreaded illness for nearly two years. Kevin Goocher, Krysten’s father, shared the heartbreaking news of her passing on his social media account.

Krysten Goocher’s battle with postpartum depression took a devastating turn when she took her own life. Her step-mother, Melanie, shared, “Krysten had a beautiful baby boy named Weston almost 2 years ago and struggled with postpartum. She tried desperately to get help. In the end, she must’ve felt helpless because she chose to take her own life this past weekend. We are all devastated. Her partner and baby boy will need help financially in paying for the funeral expenses and just making sure they are OK financially while he deals with this loss.”

In response to this heartbreaking situation, Krysten Goocher’s mother, Melanie Goocher, has set up a GoFundMe account to raise funds for her daughter’s funeral. $10,000 target is set for donations. The GoFundMe page reads:

“Hi, my name is Melanie. I’m the stepmother of Krysten Goocher. Krysten had a beautiful baby boy named Weston almost 2 years ago and struggled with postpartum. She tried desperately to get help. In the end, she must’ve felt helpless because she chose to take her own life this past weekend. We are all devastated. Her partner and baby boy will need help financially in paying for the funeral expenses and just making sure they are OK financially while he deals with this loss. We never ask people for help but are asking now. If you are able, we appreciate any assistance you can give in taking care of her family. Thank you.”

Krysten Goocher’s tragic loss is a stark reminder of the significance of mental health awareness and support for those struggling with postpartum depression. Her story underscores the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues and the need for accessible resources and assistance.

Kevin Goocher, mother, also shared,

“I am deeply devastated that my daughter Krysten lost her battle with postpartum depression and took her own life this weekend after trying to get help. The system needs to do better for mental illness. I am just in shock. I appreciate everyone reaching out and those who are donating to the GofundMe. That means more than you know because my little grandson, Weston and his daddy are in great need now. Rest in peace baby. I love you always. 💔 Here’s the link if you are able to donate or share. Thank you all.”

As we remember Krysten, it’s crucial that her story raises awareness about postpartum depression, reminding us to reach out, provide support, and encourage open conversations about mental health. In the face of this tragedy, the outpouring of support through the GoFundMe campaign demonstrates the power of unity and compassion. Together, we can honor Krysten’s memory by raising awareness about postpartum depression and working to ensure that others do not suffer in silence.
