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Kathyrn Dennis Addiction Is Out Of Control According To Leaked Legal Papers

Even though we all love to see our favorite reality stars get messy, sometimes it can be difficult to watch their lives spiral out of control.

Unfortunately for Southern Charm fans, we might be witnessing just that when it comes to Kathryn Dennis’ recent spiral.

According to leaked legal papers, her cocaine use is “out of control” — and she’s even been using in front of her own children.

kathyrn dennis

Credit: Bravo

Anyone who’s been watching reality TV for a while knows that the real dirt always comes out during custody battles.

No one knows you better than your ex, which means they’ve also seen you at your worst. For Kathryn Dennis, this means her ex Thomas Ravenel is dredging up dark things she’d probably be happier if no one knew about.

According to legal papers leaked by All About The Tea, the custody battle between Thomas and Kathryn is raging on, and he recently sent her a revised emergency custody proposal. He claims that this is a result of “disturbing events” he’s witnessed.

These events include seeing Kathryn snorting cocaine in front of her children!

“We have a witness who observed Ms. Dennis do cocaine while having custody of the children; a witness who observed Ms. Dennis leave cocaine on an open dresser within reach of the children,” the legal papers read.

They also claim that the couple’s 4-year-old son Saint was seen wandering the streets unattended until bystanders found him and took him home.

“A police report where Saint was left unattended by your client and ran multiple times into a busy street,” the legal papers read. The police report outlines: “When the bystander arrived, Kathryn’s father was asleep on the sofa (Kensie and Kathryn were not there). After being escorted home, Saint snuck out of the house a second time. That’s when the bystander called the police.”
