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Jose Canseco on Madonna: Doesnt she realize she is 60 years old?

Men are jerks. Okay I know it’s not fair to say that all of them are based on the statements of one guy. Jose Canseco, to be specific. But his comments are so assholeish that it makes me hate his entire gender. Unfair, I know.

Back in the day, Jose used to date Madonna. In fact, he claimed she begged him to get her pregnant. But apparently Canseco has nothing nice to say about Madge anymore – in fact he criticized both her age and her dating habits. And while that’s nothing new, he did it in such a douche baggy way that I actually feel protective and defensive towards Madonna. And I don’t like feeling that way.

Jose Canseco can’t get over the fact that his 50-year-old ex Madonna is dating 22-year-old Brazilian model Jesus Luz.

“Oh, my God! Doesn’t she realize she is 60-years old? Come on!” he told Saturday at the 7th Annual World Poker Tour Invitational at Commerce Casino in L.A.

Of Madonna (who took Luz to NYC’s Kabbalah Centre on Saturday), Conseco told Us: “When she is 80, what is she going to date — a guy who is 10 years old? It’s getting crazy!”

Madonna doesn’t seem to mind their nearly 30-year age difference.

A source close to the singer recently told Us Weekly that while she and Luz are not serious, “she is seeing where it goes.” Said her pal, “She loves showing her ex that she can still get the youngest, hottest thing out there.”

[From Us Weekly]

It’s not like Canseco was just off by 10 years – he was saying Madonna was 60 as an insult. And if a 60-year-old guy were dating a 22-year-old woman, I bet Jose would be giving him props. He clearly feels threatened by Madonna and her massive success – which is astronomical compared to his own career. Maybe he should spend a little more time actually doing something – anything really – and a little less time slamming his ex.

photo credit: WENN
