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Chicago Fire Finale Recap 05/22/19: Season 7 Episode 22 Im Not Leaving You

Chicago Fire Finale Recap 05/22/19: Season 7 Episode 22 "I'm Not Leaving You"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all-new Wednesday, May 22, 2019, season 7 finale episode 22 called, “I’m Not Leaving You,” and we have your Chicago Fire weekly recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire as per the NBC synopsis, “Severide and Kidd continue to investigate Benny’s old arson case, unexpected news leads Brett to ponder a big decision and all hell breaks loose as the season concludes.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 7 episode 22 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago Fire recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Chicago Fire Season 7 finale begins with Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) still working on the arson case with Carol Spears (Kate Middleton), saying to Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) that CPD and the Intelligence Unit are all involved in looking for her, but Sgt Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) told him to sit tight and trust the process. Severide admits that he wishes his father, Benny Severide (Treat Williams) was there because he would have half the department looking; Stella says she is helping him, end of story!

Emily Foster (Annie Ilonzeh) tells Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg) that once she gets done rolling the hoses she might want to join Engine 51. Herrmann jokes that anytime she wants to take over Clarence’s spot she can have it; Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) insists he doesn’t mean that. Capp (Randy Flagler) is told his shirt is on backward when Herrmann stops Ritter (Daniel Kyri), demanding to know why he isn’t lighting up Capp for putting his shirt on backward. Randall “Mouch” McHolland (Christian Stolte) tells Ritter he can’t let Capp off the hook simply because they are friends, but before they can finish the conversation a car crashes in front of the firehouse.

A young boy, Corey is driving the car, saying his mom is about to have her baby and needed him to drive to the nearest fire station. Matthew Casey (Jesse Spencer) checks over Corey, saying he did a great job as Sylvie tends to the mother, who is in full labor. She tells Foster to grab the OB kit as she screams out in pain. She tells Corey he did really good, Casey saying he will cover his cut with a bandage. Sylvie says Daria’s contractions are on top of each other and the next one she needs her to push. Emily returns as they can see the baby’s head. Matt walks Corey away, staying with him while Daria continues to push and the baby is delivered, Sylvie giving her the newborn to hold. Matt tells Corey he is the big reason his sister arrived; offering to let him ride in the firetruck, they can follow the ambulance to the hospital with him in the front seat.

Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso) feels he doesn’t need coffee as that birth was the best “pick me up” ever. Herrmann tells Ritter that it is part of his job to teach him the ways of the world, like properly busting somebody’s balls; something that is an art form that needs this touch and is as important to firefighting as putting out fires. Meanwhile, Matt stays with Corey when his dad arrived; Matt explains that Corey drove the car right up to the fire station to make sure his mom was okay, explaining that he knew how to drive thanks to x-box. Matt wants to take the truck back until there is another call, Sylvie comments on how good he was with the boy. When he walks away, Emily tells Sylvie to jump Matt already, and anyone would want to jump her.

Severide shows Stella a photo of Doug Denton, Carol’s former husband who must have been able to control her compulsion. He wasn’t very cooperative as he is still bitter about the divorce. Stella feels Doug knows more than he is letting on as he knew her best. Severide believes they might be stalemated but Stella feels she might be more qualified to speak to someone who dealt with an abusive spouse.

Matt walks into Chief Wallace Boden’s (Eamonn Walker) office, who shares that his wife, Donna felt the need to outbid someone in Terrence’s school auction, and he has been ordered to invite someone other than Mouch and Herrmann for the dinner; suggesting he finds himself a date and attend. Matt looks out at Sylvie who is unloading the ambulance.

Herrmann starts his class on ball busting, on what they can and cannot attack someone for; acceptable is clothes, food, talk, appearance but what is NOT acceptable to attack is age! Joe says, sexual preference, racial, gender, disabilities, and religion; Mouch agrees to say age is the number one thing. Capp comes in dressed up silly with teeth missing but before Ritter can comment the alarms sound and everyone is off.

The crews arrive at a car that is on fire, someone is inside screaming, Severide rushes to the window as Severide attempts to open the door, but they are too late. Herrmann points to the gas can in the front seat, saying whoever was driving turned the car into an oven. Severide pauses, then points out that the donut shop at the corner is the one where Carol said she was a victim and believes that is her car.

Back at the firehouse, Severide calls Captain Alexa Hubble (Erin Breen); dismissing Stella. He tells Hubble that the victim is from a car fire headed to Cook County and the car looks like the one Carol owned but he wants her to check the dental records, because it doesn’t make sense for her to go out like this, especially after toying with his father for so long.

Matt is just about to talk to Brett when Herrmann pipes up and continues to school Ritter on not becoming a firefighter for feelings. He orders Ritter to make fun of Sylvie. He tries to insult Brett, where she is happy he is calling her skinny but Emily mocks him about body shaming Brett; walking away smirking. Sylvie wants to know what Matt wanted to ask her, but he gets cold feet, saying he will get back to her.

Severide sees Stella getting tired, but she knows he has been staring at the same page for an hour. She says the last time he had the same look in his eye was when Benny died; he went to hell. Tired then, trying to do too much and she doesn’t like it. Severide feels no one else is going to catch this woman, as Stella rubs his knee; they are interrupted when Hubble calls him back confirming what he already knew. He wants her to call CPD as this is an escalation. He informs Stella the body was of a homeless woman who had drug issues and mental health problems. Stella agrees with Kelly that no one is moving fast enough on this and they will go see the ex after shift.

Doug walks onto his porch and Severide said he wants to talk to him, but he says he spoke to the CPD and the arson department; Stella pushes for them to speak casually. He admits him and Carol are oil and water, but his dad just died and he was in a dark place when Carole found him. He says they didn’t fight it was slowly eroding and he left after 15 years because she said things; he loved her but didn’t feel like she knew her anymore.

Stella tells him about her marriage to Grant, who was bad news. She spent all her energy in trying to help him, over and over; every time worse than the one before. She thought a lot about him not leaving her alone but she realized that she was the only person in his entire life that tried to make him better and it drained her. She knows where Doug is at and that is why she knows that Carol will come back to him, just like Grant came back to her. She reminds him he is worth more than what Carol is willing to give, so when she comes back she needs Doug to contact them. Stella shows him the victim’s body, saying they need to find Carol so she doesn’t hurt anybody else. Doug tears up as Stella asks if Carol is there and suddenly there is running upstairs, causing Stella and Severide to give chase.

Stella and Kelly check the rooms, as Carol suddenly breaks a window. They fight but she cuts Stella with a piece of glass across her face; Severide holds her down as Doug says she needs help and they are going to help her. Stella orders him to call 911. Carol is arrested but Kelly tells Stella it is just a scratch, she says if she is going to look like Frankenstein she needs to know. Hubble walks over and tells Severide it was great to work and doesn’t think anyone could solve this if it wasn’t for you. She hopes one day she will convince him to join her, as he has a nose just like his father.

At Molly’s, Herrmann greets the mayor who wants a shot of whiskey. He makes fun of people for bending down to kiss somebody’s butt. He thanks the firefighters and police for their service; Stella walks in and everyone applauds her. Herrmann says she gets to drink free all night, but Kelly can drink half price all night; she is concerned that Kelly isn’t there. Kyle Sheffield (Teddy Sears) arrives, wanting to tell Sylvie that he has been asked to be the Director for First Responder and Peer Supporter, she feels that is a great idea and hugs him, something Matt sees.

The bad news is the headquarters are out of town and want him to move immediately; she doesn’t think it is a bad idea, only selfishly not happy about it. Joe and Emily join the table, where Sylvie tells them he is going and how the universe has conspired to really keep them apart. He feels awkward and leaves, confusing Brett. Matt stops her, saying he is happy to see her back with the Chaplain but when she denies it, he says they are good together. She doesn’t try to correct him and he goes to the bar, ordering a drink. Matt tells Stella that Severide came home, throwing the notebook of Benny’s on the couch and left. Stella is very concerned, telling Herrmann she needs the rest of the night off and runs out the door.

Stella drives up to the cabin, finding Kelly’s car outside. She knocks on the door to find him emotional, saying she deserves a better man than him and he has decided to be the man she deserves. Stella kisses him in the doorway before he takes her inside to make love by the fire. The following morning, she tells him that it is pretty perfect. He says they need to shower and hit the road, revealing he plans on keeping the cabin; fix it and make it worthy. She asks him which was the shower is, suggesting he should show her instead.

Matt tells everyone Boden pushed the briefing half hour, making no one late. Kyle runs in to catch Sylvie, saying he had been thinking about this all night. He talks about being in the hospital bed and not being able to see what is in front of him. Her smile lightens a room and she brings such brightness and goodness. He loves her and feels like he would be the biggest fool to let her get away from him. He gets on his knee, saying he is leaving tomorrow and asks her to marry him. She nods and he hugs her making sure she said yes. Kelly learns from Matt that the Chaplain just asked Sylvie to marry him.

In the kitchen, Matt congratulates Sylvie; she says it was his words about saying her and Kyle are right for each other and then he showed up there. He says he is happy for her and her thanks to him. Boden buds in the line as Ritter makes fun about not interfering between him and breakfast and it’s not like he can’t fit into that white shirt these days. He laughs at Mouch and Otis; but Herrmann says they are to never, ever ball bust the battalion chief. They are all called out to a factory fire as Boden smiles out of Ritter’s sight.

Everyone is evacuating the factory, saying the fire is in the basement, but there are at least 50 men in the basement and it is a mattress factory; Boden barks out orders, the firefighters struggling while people attempt to escape. Severide learns there isn’t another entrance, letting Boden know they need another way down as the entire stairwell is on fire. Boden tells them of a service elevator in another corner, causing Matt and Kelly to head that way. He tells everyone to mask up as they pry the doors open.

A rope is quickly set up as Matt and Severide make their way down, with their crews to follow. A water line is opened and fed down to the crew in the basement. They open the door to the basement and people rush towards them as they are ordered to take it easy. Boden continues to delegate positions and where triage should be made, telling them to hurry up.

Severide and Casey are having a hard time getting people to move one at a time up to the ladder, then rush around calling out for victims. They work on putting people out who are on fire, Stella chasing one who is fully engulfed. Matt’s victim died and so does Stella’s as Casey tells her to “help the living.” They can hear banging on the other side of the door, Kelly telling everyone to get down as he tries to break open the door. He shouts for Joe to use the Slamigan.

Casey calls to Boden saying they have smoke inhalation victims and can’t make it out the doors, he requests for help to evacuate revealing his location. Matt says they don’t have two minutes, the floor is 2 feet of cement and the basement is another story; Boden orders Emily and Sylvie to suit up! They get into full fire gear and Boden goes with them.

The firefighters continue to struggle with people listening to go one at a time up the ladder as they fight an extremely hot fire. You can hear the boiler whistle; Herrmann telling them it is about to blow and will take out the whole block. Boden orders all units to evacuate now, insisting Brett and Foster take out whomever they can.

Herrmann shouts for Ritter to get out as he has his whole life ahead of him; Ritter grabs another hose, saying he is not leaving Herrmann. Boden shouts again for everyone to get out now as the whistle is screaming now. Boden tells Severide and Cruz this is an emergency and they need to evacuate right now, but neither of them wants to leave the people inside. Boden works with Brett and Foster to get the people out. Matt orders his team to leave but he is going back for Severide. Mouch tells him they are in this together so Matt tells them they have to help Severide. Boden is screaming to EVACUATE as Herrmann calls Ritter a dumb kid for refusing to leave. Glass shatters when the boiler reaches its peak and Herrmann tells Ritter this is the end.

